Tag Archives: fall in love

How To Overcome Heartbreak

Love is blind. Love conquers all. Love is a drug…blah…blah…blah…. Love has been earning too much flattery and blasphemy since time immemorial. Problem is, we all tend to fall for it. Another problem is, you cannot escape it. How many women have sworn to not fall again after being dumped by their fiancé just as the wedding bells were ringing? How many men have evaded commitment and ended up with Ms Rights eventually? It sucks to feel in love because you have to be happy for, say two years, and be miserable for the next five years but it happens anyway.

Many personal development coaches insist on keeping your faith, loving yourself more, and trusting the world again. For some reason, what they tell you are true even if they do not know anything about pain. But who needs a personal coach? Stop wasting money to pay for a psychologist! There are ways to overcome heartbreak without shelling out a penny. Here are some suggestions:

  • Stay with the light. You are not dead yet. Mourning in darkness though would feel like hell so give yourself some sunshine. Studies show that light helps keep depression hormones at bay. Even if you have to drag yourself out of the room, do so and take a stroll at the park, malls, or eat at a nearest diner.
  • Talk to people, even to strangers. If you have not been in contact with your friends lately, visit your phone book and have a little chat. Even the most nonsense topics could save you from the agonizing memories of your ex.
  • Exercise. Well, it’s natural for people caught in the fangs of depression to lose the energy and enthusiasm. Like them, you may be at your lowest point and moving your fingers is already a toll. However, there is nothing you cannot do with a little help from yourself. Push that button hard. Even the minor movements can generate healthy blood flow and get you back in action.
  • Pray…hard. We do not want to be preachy but prayer will bind you. Heartbreak is one of the worst chapters of the human life. Even when you are at a party, you still feel alone and suicidal, thinking there is no tomorrow and your purpose is gone. Talking to the Divine Being changes this. There is always a mysterious comfort alighting upon you when you express your hatred, fears, sentiments, and nostalgia.

You are not expected or demanded to make improvements overnight or after a week of practicing these small activities. Healing takes about a hundred, maybe thousands of baby steps to complete. You might say you have heard them before but why do they always come up that they have become generic. Exactly. The above-mentioned healing techniques are screaming and there is only one thing lacking…you. Help yourself move on and be okay because no one can.

On a personal note, I believe in what they say, ‘the only way over it is through it.’ Translation: you have no choice. Well, you do but don’t trust your judgment too much when the skies are still cloudy. You and the people who love you hate to find your unconscious body next to your bed. Being suicidal is normal when you are so sad or angry because you think no one cares. You will ask questions, mostly ‘whys,’ but who doesn’t. People who love have been there, done that. If they were able to survive one or two heartbreaks, why can’t you?



Posted by on June 9, 2012 in Matters Of The Heart


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